Short Bio

Dr. Richter's group is focused on computational techniques such as direct numerical simulation (DNS) and large eddy simulation (LES) for studying turbulence in the atmosphere and ocean, particularly those flows with multiphase components. These numerical techniques allow us to study basic atmospheric processes in a wide range of applications including air-sea interaction, surface-atmosphere coupling, atmospheric boundary layer dynamics, and turbulent transport. Our research is also devoted to developing tools for simulating multiphase systems that can be applied to a wide variety of geophysical flows.

Some specific projects currently include understanding air-sea exchange and the influence of sea spray, dust and sand transport in the atmospheric boundary layer, tidal energy generation via marine kinetic turbines, GPU acceleration of particle-laden numerical simulations, contaminant transport in heterogeneous porous media, and salt aerosol distributions in the marine atmospheric boundary layer.

Profile on ResearchGate

Academic Positions

  • 2019-PresentAssociate Professor

    Civil and Environmental Engineering and Earth Sciences
    University of Notre Dame

  • 2014-PresentConcurrent Professor

    Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering
    University of Notre Dame

  • 2013-2019Assistant Professor

    Civil and Environmental Engineering and Earth Sciences
    University of Notre Dame

  • 2011-2013Postdoctoral Research Fellow

    Advanced Study Program
    National Center for Atmospheric Research

  • 2006-2011Ph.D. Research Associate

    Mechanical Engineering
    Stanford University


List of all publications